We know together that Rihanna "Photo" showing her bruised and bloodied,yeah Courtesy of Chris Brown(What an artist..Lol)
After Chris Browns left Rihanna black,blue and red now L.A artist Sham Ibrahim's piece that based from Andy Warhol's art make Rihanna look Pink,Orange,White..
Sham said:"I thought the bruises in the police photo were interesting shapes to draw," he says. "And it was cool to color them pink and blue. Those are two of my favorite colors." "There is no message to any of my art," he says. "It's meant to look cool hanging on your wall and that's it! I'm not into deep meanings." (As Written From eonline.com)
I personally still don't understand why that Chris Brown did that to Rihanna,wow is just so stupid to hit a girl?? I mean Chris Brown is a famous singer and people look at him as role model and with that incident I don't think that his carrerr will be back as usual(He has a lot of things to do to make a comeback)
And for the painting,I think is very cool to make something creative like that( Why don't Sham give it to Rihanna and tell her to hang the picture at her room? Lol)
pooor rihanna..
BalasHapusYep... I agree..
BalasHapuschris brown is a douche!
BalasHapusi lve rihanna tai chris brownnya jahat...
kasian rihanna ku..
beb..aku jadi follower kamu gmna caranya???
It is a great art..Love it...
BalasHapusi think rihana too nice for chris brown..
ga sa jadi pengikut ni gw..gmn cr??
BalasHapusRihanna dah balik lagi kan ya ma Brown..
GOSIP NYA SIH gara" Rihanna takut video seks nya ma brown di bocorin ma Brown kalo Rihanna macem"..
hm,,, poor girl... >.<
so girls, dont do sex before marriage ... especially if ur boyfriend is me.... hahahahahahah... :D
yeaahh..there are so many rumours buzzing bout this issue..All we have to do just wait and see..lol..
BalasHapuswah ini seh gila loh... masa foto gne maseh diperdagangkan jg seh?????????
BalasHapusgw sedih aja rihanna balik sama
BalasHapuschris brown lagii..
harusnya dia nyanyi take a bow tuuh, hehe xp