Dragon Ball:Evolution(2009)

Directed by:James Wong
Written by:Ben Ramsey
Justin Chatwin-Son Goku
Emmy Rossum-Bulma
James Masters-Piccollo
Jamie Chung-Chi Chi
Chow Yun Fat-Master Roshi
Joon Park-Yam Cha
A young man who name is Son Goku that train as a warrior by his grandpa,Gohan. But Piccollo(The evil demon come to kill his grandpa because of the dragon ball) Dragon balls are seven magical orbs that will give us anything that we want,and he has to get dragon balls before Piccollo,with helps from Goku's friends like Bulma,Chi Chi,Master Roshi and Yam Cha.
Can Goku Save the world and find the dragon balls?
Movie Review:
-From Dragon Ball fans POV:
Hmm..STRANGE..That's what i thought when I heard that this movie will be made,I one of the Dragon Ball fans(Yeah,I love Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball),we know together that in the manga there are so many strange character like animals character. So how about this movie?
There are so many things that can make us as a fanatic fans laugh very hard. Son Goku is under the same school with Chi-chi(Can't you believe that?) And Master Roshi who is younger than his Manga apperance,don't forget about Yam Cha who supposed to afraid with every women,and I think Yam Cha in Manga is better looking than in this movie(Lol)... The Dragon? Manga's dragon supposed to be big and green(scary look),but at this movie? My friends even said it look like a worm or sea horse.. And Cast Justin Chatwin as Goku?(A little bit strange actually) But I think Bulma is cool..
From Ordinary Viewer:
Guess what? Is not that bad..The Fighting Scenes are great and I personally think that they can do this movie better,because I think this movie has so many potential,why don't they make the 3-D animation instead of this live action?
Rate this Movie: C-
They can do it better
-James Kyson Lee(Famous from Heroes tv serial) Auditioned for Yam Cha
-Ron Perlman is the first choice to cast as Piccollo but turned it down because to work on Hellboy II..
-The Producer of this movie is Stephen Chow
-Tom Welling was considered as Goku
-Jamie Chung wanted to play Bulma,but she said that Emmy Rossum was the perfect choice as Bulma.
-Joon Park admitted he didn't think he was going to get the role of Yamcha "because I'm god in Korea, but a shit in the US." He auditioned for the role in nothing but a hat and shorts, but as soon as director James Wong took a look at him Park landed the role.
Feel Free to Comment..Thanks
BalasHapusgokunya edward cullen gagal .. haha
BalasHapusman, his acting was so CRAP.
gw uda nonton.. tapi biasa aj jar..
BalasHapusmungkin seru klo buat anak2 tapi ga bo'ong si yang jd bulma cantik banget dan yang jd yamcha nya jelek banget.. hahha
maen ke blog ayu dong fajar.. somse banget dirimu.. ajak maen ke si preston, huh
hmm..menurut g seh bagus ni film tp ga sebagus kartun nya ah..
BalasHapusini terlalu di buat singkat bgt..ga puas ntn nya.hehe..
fajar main2 jg dunk di blog g.hehehe..
g si kagak doyan film nye... dari awal bikin aja udah banyak yang ragu.. dan beginila... :D
BalasHapustapi ya namanya juga usaha... :D
blm nonton cuy..
BalasHapustp kl diliat dr sinopsisnya c mayan kerenzzz...
BalasHapusgw ga sukaaaa filmya kaya dipaksa gitu..kurang bagus ahh..
BalasHapusfilmnya kurang bagus di endingnya tapi overall ok lah...
BalasHapustapi gw mau tuh ada keduanya...hehe....
BalasHapusjgn lupa ya comment
BalasHapusdi blog gw
di whatacolorfulday.blogspot.com
BalasHapustolong commnet yang banyak...minimal 25 biji ok??
BalasHapuscolorful:Hohohohoho...I don't think that the sequel will come out soon...Hohohohoho...
BalasHapusNova:iya...begitu d..hehehhe...