Fast&Furious AKA Fast anf Furious 4 (2009)
Directed By:Justin Lin
Written By:Chris Morgan
Vin Diesel as Dominic "Dom" Toretto
Paul Walker as Brian O'Conner
Michelle Rodriguez as Leticia "Letty" Ortiz
Jordana Brewster as Mia Toretto
John Ortiz as Campos/Antonio Braga
Laz Alonso as Fenix Rise
Gal Gadot as Gisele Harabo
Jack Conley as Penning
Sung Kang as Han
I don't want to give specific details because I afraid it might be a spoiler,so Dom and Brian have to work together in order to solved the crime and also they shared the same enemy,in working together they have to trust each other to complete this mission,so what is really going on? Why Dom has to come back to L.A to work with Brian again(Okai,enough,that is the key point,what is really going on)
Movie Review:
All I can just say is,THIS MOVIE IS so COoooollll....I love it,but I think the racing scene is not as many as the previous,but still the action scene are so cool,and I like the chemistry between Walker and Diesel,both of them look so natural. The movie is so entertaining,for the boys: We have Girls,Fast Car,and for the girls we have Walker and Diesel..And I think is more cooler to bring 2fast 2 furious character like Tyrese,Devon Aoki,Ludacris,and also Eva Mendez(Catfight with Jordana? Imagine that Her character and Jordana character fight each other Lol)..I LIKE THE ENDING!!
Rate this Movie:B-(Cool and Entertaining)
-Fast & Furious takes place between the 2nd and 3th installment(After the second but before the third)
-A number of sponsors have signed on for this project such as Kuhmo Tires, NOS, and Odessie.com which are expected to help make this the largest Fast and Furious of the franchise
-Budget for this movie is:$ 80 Million
So cool...Come on Comment..THX..
BalasHapusYeah,I watched it and i love this movie...
BalasHapusI love Vin Diesel..He so HOTT!!
BalasHapusNo..I think Paul WAlker is hotter..Lol..Buth both of them are great..
BalasHapusI Feel bad for Letty..Damn...
BalasHapusGirls,Cars,and money..Hell Yeah..
BalasHapuswell done,fajar...great post..two thumbs up..
BalasHapusJordana looks so sweet
BalasHapusthe cars are so cool!
BalasHapusi just watched this !
BalasHapusand i LOVED it
i miss the old fast and furious gang , and the movie totally delivered :)
Ellisande: yeah the old gang is so much better than the 2 previous movies..
BalasHapusfajar aku pengen nonton ini..
BalasHapusJust watch it..It's great...!!
BalasHapusgalak banget sih jar !!
BalasHapusisi comment di LION DOG.. biar comment gw makin banyak.. hehehe, tar lu gw commenin
ok jafar..
dan g ingin ntn ni film...
BalasHapusl uda?
i still don't understand what is the appeal of Vin Diesel -- it's gotta be either his gravelly voice or his cool name
BalasHapushahahah. fajar, komen lo sama ayu gokil bgt s. gw smp ngakak, lo bls gt, ayu blg lo galak. ahaha.
BalasHapusanw, gw blm ntn film ini ni. ga gt tertarik jg. tgg filmnya bokap gw aja, knowing. hehe
fajar, ayo komen lagi dunk d tmpt gw. yang paling atas yg dikomen ya.
terima kasi fajar .
Caffeine:But I think he is one of the reason people come to see this,and it's good for him because all his movies after the pacifier are sucks...
BalasHapusRach:Okai okai..Ayu mah mang begitu orang nya..Padahal kan gua baik ya,eh malah dikatain galak..Ck..ck..Tega bener dia mah..hahaha...
BalasHapusNic Cage adalah ayah mu,Rach?
Shock loo gua..hahaha..Okai
Mau berapa comment,Rach?
It's official people..
BalasHapusFor your information that:
For the opening weekend box-office,this people earns $72.5 million ...
This movie?
BalasHapusI love it...
Keren ya,jar?
Ingat lagu Krazy?
hahaha...Lagu siapa ya tapi??
Iyamjar..yang nyanyi krazy siapa?
BalasHapusok dh.... wlpn ntn ny agak ga konsen wkt itu... tpi g msh mrasa ne flm ok dh..hehe.....
SYL-VIA PR 11 - 2C
comment ya??THX
wewww,.kanyaaa baguss yahh??besok lusa gw baru mw nnt nieh jar,.
BalasHapuseheheheee,.bayarin yahh,.!!!eheheheeeee
gantian,.!!buruan komen bloq gw lagi,.ahahahahahaaa
fajarr,.gimana x lw traktir qta nntn pilem ini????biar gw ma ank2 yg laen bsa komen lih ttg bloq lw ini,.
BalasHapusEnak aja lu....
Hmm...Yang dibutuhkan tuh komitmen ya..Masa ada 1 kelas yang diajak ntn ramai ramai untuk ntn film ini yang tadinya ngomong ok ok eh pada hari H nya cuma jadi ber 4 doank..Ck..ck..
Semoga yang berempat itu masuk surga...AMEn...
hahaha... Apa lagi pemimpin kelas nya noh...KONG TAI...PENIPU!!
For all of you that asked me about Krazy:
BalasHapusKrazy by Pitbull ft. Lil Jon ...
Check them out on youtube..
BalasHapusU buat film sendiri mpe ngak konsen??
Gosh I love Jordana Brewster and Michelle Rodriguez..How are they in this movie?
BalasHapustell me please..lol..
Hmmm...What i can say?
BalasHapusOk,fist let's talk bout Jordana,she still hot..Lol.. She still Dom's little sister and now she grow to be a woman(And still in love with Brian)
And bout Michelle?
BalasHapusYeah,still dom's lover...and the rest?
wow...I love the ending...fantastic..
BalasHapusI know..i know...Lol..
BalasHapusI just wish that Devon Aoki is coming back(Just a wish,'cause I love her)...
funny..Cause i want tyrese or eva are back..Hahaha..That's sound cool..What do you think about another sequel?? fast and furious 5 maybe??
BalasHapusNo...enought with the sequel..This movie is already good..Just don't ruin this franchise with another sequel that can destroy this franchise,ENOUGH!...
BalasHapusadakah yang belum nonton...???
BalasHapusatau hanya gue...????????????????????????
BalasHapussedikit saran dan kritik dan nasehat... hehehe..
nyah.. background item + font biru tua... not the best choice u can choose... ^^
BalasHapusBox Office April 2009
1 Fast n Furious - US$ 72.2 mil
2 Monsters VS Alinens - US$ 35.5 mil
3 The Haunting in Connecticut - US$ 9.6 mil
BalasHapusHahaha..Okai,do..waht colour is the best??
maka nya you better watch this movie,doo...
BalasHapusga ada review lagi nya..?? :D
BalasHapuspijat atas tekan bawah aj l preview / review nyaaaah... :D
Ouch..DAmn...I am not going to review anything that I don't watch...
BalasHapusArghh..especially that damn movie..so sorry,do..hahaha...
BalasHapusyeah i didnt even bother with the tokyo one .. whatever it was called .. the soundtrack was hot though .. lols
i really wanna watch this movie this time .
BalasHapusi haven't watched any of the other FnF before but i'm quite interested in this one . .
Love all the cars...cool soundtrack...
BalasHapusup 2 u lah nyaaa... :D
cuma g sedikit kesukaran aje bacanya... ntah reader yang laen... ^^
blom nonton jaaaaaaaaaaaar... huhuhuhuhuhu.... T_T
BalasHapusjar, comment blog gw siiiiiii... masa u lom komen2... huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....
comment utama di pancious yaaa... hehehe...makasih fajaaarr.. :)
katanya ada yg kurang bagus? tapi tetep penasaran sih sama si botak yang keren itu hihi
BalasHapusMel:Watch it..It a must...
BalasHapusMulan:Ngak ada yang kurang,Mulan..Semua pas..Hayooo ntn...
BalasHapustak ada teman yg menemani.. huhuhu... T_T
BalasHapusmangk bagus bgt yaah??
BalasHapusg suka sii..qrenn bgt g tw..
cm kaena ttep ajaa..
g ga excited bgt bwt ntn,
npa yaah??hahahaa~
comment my blog plz..
thanks :)
i watch it aLreadyy..
BalasHapusn fast n furiOuss wiLL neverr diee..lophh it..
but for d car shOw is less thAn d tOkyo drift one..^^
commenttt on my bLog aLso pleasee..
posting : wishing hoping n wondering. .^^
bantuinnn commentt blog g donkk..d http://oliviacing2.blogspot.com/ yang postingan trakhir judulnyaa wishing hoping n wondering.. bwt tgs ne..thankss yaa..help plzz..^^
Hmm fast and furious was cool
BalasHapustapi tapi menurut gw ceritanya tuh gitu2 aja
actionnya doang yang keren
tapi ya ceritanya cuman itu aja, ga terlalu complicated gitu jaarr heehehee
udh nonton know1ng belom?
waahh lo mesti nonton itu dan ngebahas film itu
di blog lo!
it was soooooooooooooo COOL!
BalasHapuscara nambah gadget visitor nya gimana???
oiya lw ada ym tak??
BalasHapusjelasin d ym aja....
ehhhh balesnya di blog gw aja yaa....
BalasHapusartikel PRIITT PRIITT PRIIITT....
Hanna:Udah di comment lhoo..hohoho..
BalasHapusOlivia: Ok....
BalasHapusdhe-dhe:Okai,dhe...Segera ya..
BalasHapusdebby:tenang akan gua banyak banyakin comment blog lo..hahaha...
BalasHapuswahhh cihuy bgt dahh..
BalasHapusayo ayoo PR 1 ama PR 2 kita bergabung...
BalasHapusym aja
BalasHapuskalo msn
BalasHapussuka ada virusnya
BalasHapusiyaa jarr uda da tuh kayanya box visitors nya.. hihihihi
BalasHapushehh hehh hehh
BalasHapusawas lw jarr
BalasHapusjangan macem2n gw
BalasHapuskita kan partner
BalasHapusokeh okeh
BalasHapusuudah banyak juga yaa
BalasHapuskomen lw
BalasHapusayo ayo balas d blog gw
BalasHapusgw tunggu...
BalasHapuswah, debby komennya banyak bgt. d tmptku juga dunk. ehehe.
BalasHapusanw fajar, gw udh ntn KNOWING loohh,, wuaah, baguss bgt filmnya! mo ntn lagi. hihi
bagus nich film nya,hehe..
mampir ya, di blog gw ada info mengenai cara2 nulis artikel serta alamat media2,hehe...
BalasHapusg menuh menuhin nih dah byar cepet 150 komen..
duh gila loadingnya seabad..
BalasHapuslama buanget...
iya rachel..
BalasHapusknowing bagus buangeeeeeddd,,
aliennya agak ganteng..
rach:iya,knowing akan segera di review..coming soon ya..hahaha..
BalasHapusdewi:Iya filmnya bagus...
BalasHapusg blm sempet ntn nih,,huhuhu..
masa 2x mw ntn di Bandung,abis mulu tiketny..
parah nih,,
rekomendasiin film2 bgs lg ya..
BalasHapusbertemu lagi dengan debby
BalasHapusbangkee... blog gw nih
BalasHapusmasaa masi gag bisa nihhhhhhh
BalasHapustp untung gw bisa ngoceh2 disini
BalasHapushari ini lw keren bgt dah
BalasHapuscihuyy mamennn..
BalasHapushajjarr trus tuh si pria brambut kuning!
BalasHapuseiya jar.. gw punya ide
BalasHapuskenapa gag lw posting disini aja curhatan lw itu
BalasHapusyg di muka buku itu lohhh...
BalasHapushahahahahhahahahah facebook mangsudnya..
BalasHapusgw yakin banget deh jarr
BalasHapuspasti laku berattttt!!!!!
BalasHapuskomennya pasti cacian buat..........
BalasHapushahahhahaha pasti tw la yaaa
BalasHapushihihihi tp beneran loh jarr
BalasHapuskeren bgt deh lw jar..
BalasHapuskalo gw jd lw nih yaa
BalasHapusgw udah baca doa pengusir setan deh..
BalasHapuseiyaa.. besok lw kuis apaan ya??
BalasHapushahahahaha lw mamam nohh agenda LSPR
BalasHapusgw aja gag pernah buka2 tu sampah
BalasHapustp ya jarr, gw jg agak gag enak nih ama lw
BalasHapustd kan kita bersama2..
BalasHapustp skr lw jd sendirian..
BalasHapusmaff yaaaa
BalasHapustp gw tdk akan berdiam diri..
BalasHapusgw akan slalu mendukungmu sobat
BalasHapushahahahhahahahahah so swiit ya gw :p
BalasHapustp ya jarr...
BalasHapusbisa dibilang, lw mewakili aspirasi seluruh orang yg pernah mengenal si rambut kuning..
BalasHapuskalo lw sukses besokk...
BalasHapusseluruh pelosok LS akan bersorak ria padamu..
BalasHapusSELAMAT BERJUANG....!!!!
BalasHapusgua terharu...hahahaha...
BalasHapushahaha...mang lu paling sohib dah ama gua..hahaha...
BalasHapustapi sayang nya hari ini gua tidak berkencan dengan si Kuning..
BalasHapuskuning udah sibuk..gua sudah tidak diperhatikan lagi ama dia...
BalasHapussakit hati gua,deb...
BalasHapussaatnya gua akan berkencan dengan warna warna laen..mungkin sekarang gua mengincar si coklat...
BalasHapusFYI People...Rencana nya karena pendapatan Film Fast and Furious ini udah banyak..para producer berencana akan buat sekuelnya lagi...Fast and Furious 5??
BalasHapussemga aja ngak digarap asal asalan...ck..ck...
BalasHapusAngel:Gila ngel,lu lom ntn?
BalasHapusHayoo ntn..
And gua akan update film film baru dan bagus..hohohoho..yang lama juga si..pkoknya yang layak ntn dah..
yippie..150 comment..hehehe...udah mencapai target...
BalasHapushehe...kayaknya emang mesti nonton di bioskop biar lebih nampol soundnyaa.
BalasHapuspaul walker ganteng bet dahh.!
maaci ya jar!
BalasHapusdebby datang...
BalasHapuskali ini gw mw curhat
BalasHapustp sebelum curhat
BalasHapusgw mw membuat list
BalasHapusfilm2 apasaja yg belom gw tonton
BalasHapus1. fast and furious
BalasHapus2. knowing
BalasHapus3. monsters vs aliens
BalasHapusehh bentarr..
BalasHapusgw ganti deh ahh
BalasHapusgw mw bikin list
BalasHapusfilm2 yg pernah gw tonton aja
BalasHapuslebih gampang
BalasHapussoalnya lebih dikit
BalasHapusehh ehhh ehhh
BalasHapusdilarang ngetawain gw!
BalasHapusudah ahh
BalasHapusgw mw jalan2 ke blogg teman2 yg lain dulu
BalasHapusnanti gw datang lagi
BalasHapusjangan kangen yaaa
BalasHapusnah nah nah~
BalasHapusya ampun..
BalasHapusverification code gue buat comment di atas PRETT~~~
cacad,,gue brb ngakak dulu~
jar jer jor~~
BalasHapusdimana kah anda berada?
terima kasih atas komennya yagh~~^^
anda baik sekali~
fajar,,tadi gue nonton THE INTERNATIONAL..
BalasHapusintinya adalah..
gue kaga ngerti,coba di review kan di blog lo~~
egh jar,,uda nonton monster vs alien belum?
banyak sekali film yang ingin gue request supaya lo review
aw aw aw aw aw
komen dari rachel dimulai.
BalasHapuseng ing eng ..
fajar, komen mu sdh 180 sajaa..
BalasHapussenangnyaa. hhi
anw, bulecu..
BalasHapusmonster vs alien LUCUUU BGT!
patut ditonton. ntn yg 3D tapi.
dijamin kalyan akan tertawa smp gila.
the international juga bgs ko.
BalasHapusapalg yg main dosen kita loh.
si NICK itu.
gw sm ayu smpt menggila krn itu. ihihi
hai fajar, saia kembali ..
BalasHapustau ga jar. gw promosiin blog lo d blog gw loh, biar org mampir ksn. ihihi
astaga fajar, setiap kli mo ngomen d blog lo. lola mulu internet gw. ihihi
BalasHapustp tenang, komen tetap truss.. ehehe
wahh,, udh 186 komennya..
BalasHapusntar lagi nyusul s ayu dunk ya ? ehehe
fajar, nt d isi lg ya..
mo makan dlu. hee
BalasHapuslg beli roti ya??
BalasHapusblog lo komennya masi lebih bmutu yaa,drpd blog gw..
BalasHapusBsk mank tugana dah dkumpul ya?
BalasHapuspunya gw masih pas2an ni jar komen di blogna
BalasHapusnti gantian lo yee..
BalasHapustinggal tugas artikel nii,,gw gataw d buat apa nda..
BalasHapusbis slsi beli roti,komen gw yaa....
fajar, rachel disini ..
BalasHapuskomen d mulai
BalasHapusteman teman...