Directed By:Paul Mcguigan
Written by:David Bourta
Chris Evans as Nick Gant
Dakota Fanning as Cassie Holmes
Camilla Belle as Kira Hudson
Djimon Hounsou as Agent Henry Carver
Plot:The movie is about people who are born with great powers and being chased by "Division" which is an organization that collect people with powers and the Organization have strenght to do whatever they want to do with the people that they chase,and the people have to work with them and if the people figh against them so the Organization will kill them.
Nick grant is a man who has power,he is a "Mover" and he hide from the organization since his father died by the organization,after that a girl name Cassie comes to Nick'a apartment and tells him that Division has a weakness and they have to find a girl,which later we know that that Girl is Kira,Nick's Lover after that Division and some Triad from Hongkong are looking for the Girl(Kira) and want to get something from her,what is that? You have to find out by watch this movie.
Quick Review:
Wow Dakota is going to be a beautiful woman,she is so beautiful(althought there is something wrong with her teeth(lol) but she still gorgeous by her great performance) Chris Evans's performance still remind me of his role as Johnny Storm at Fantastic four(You know the guy who is also make a joke even in the complicated situation),the action scene is great plus the cool special effect but I find this movie can be boring(WEll,I almost fall asleep when I watched it).
The story somehow can be related with X-men and Heros(De Ja Vu,anyone?) Yeah and the one that really annoy me(I HATE THE ENDING--> Sequel anyone? I mean like there is nothing wrong with the ending,is just me..I don't satisfied with the ending because their still some mystery that are still not clear yet,but the way that Camilla Belle do her power to Djimon at the ending is very cool)
Rate The Movie: C-
Not bad,and also not really good..so..so..lol..
Budget:$ 38 Million
Gross Revenue:$39,793,091 worldwide
Types of Psychics:
-Bleeder:They Scream at the people and the effect is causing internal blood vessels and organs to explode
-Mover:Able to control movement with mind and hand gesture(same like telekinesis)
-Pusher:Able to control people mind(like hypnosis)
-Shadow: Able to protect people or shield individual so people can't find them..(But watcher can because watcher see the future)
-Shifter:able to convincingly alter the appearance of an object
-Sniff:can track people and objects by sniffing items their target has touched
-Stich: Can repair or more accurately manipulate human tissue, organs and bone through touch
-Watcher:Able to see anything like future,throught their sketch
-Wiper:are able to "wipe" or remove a period of time from an individual's memory
-The choice to shoot the film in Hong Kong was inspired by the classic film Casablanca(1942)
-The idea of a government agency controlling people with special abilities for military and/or intelligence uses is in fact inspired by real-life experiments of the US government, particularly the long-running Stargate Project.